Cylinder gases

You can avoid the fine reaching up to one million Kc, if you order the gas delivery up to the place of the gas consumption from us within the “Gas delivery when called” service. Why you should worry about such fine?

Gas transportation, just as the transportation of other dangerous goods, is subject to the conditions of the European agreement related to the road transport of dangerous goods (ADR) in accordance with the Czech Law 111/1994 Coll. about the road transport. Should you decide to transport the gas yourself, you are becoming a carrier and might be penalised by the fine amounting up to one million Kc if you do not adhere the ADR conditions. And be aware of the fact that you face such fine even by the “usual” transport of one gas cylinder in the luggage compartment of your car! Leave the transport to us!

Linde Gas a.s. co-operates with many proven carriers whose cars and staff fulfil the ADR requirements; the proof of which are the problem-free outcomes of road checks that are becoming more and more frequent.

Focus on your business and order the gas transport from professionals – at the Linde Gas sales centres or in the Call centre.